ICODA in print – Pacifying the Pandemic with Numbers

| 30/06/2021

Article by William Looney

POWERED BY PROMINENT GLOBAL HEALTH PHILANTHROPIES and the UK’s world-class collaborative capabilities in disease surveillance, the new International COVID-19 Data Alliance (ICODA) is gearing up to address a crucial – and yet unanswered – policy question for public health: can sharing  data curated from a diversity of sources provide the hard evidence needed to
improve patient outcomes against the virus – not just for today’s pandemic, but for future ones as well? Much will depend on a robust response from big pharma.

Read the full article, published in InVivo below.


Marty Murphy quote

  • “What’s really needed is smart data, broken down and refined through systematic learning analysis tools that allow collaborators to test different research hypotheses, the results of which can be applied in real time, directly to practitioners in the field.”

    Martin Murphy, ICODA’s Scientific and Strategic Advisory Committee Co-Chair